2025 Yayınları |
Soyöz, Ufuk (2025), "Placemaking through guerilla gardens at the TOKI mass housing grounds in Bor (Niğde)", , Vol.12, No.1, DOI: 10.1186/s40410-025-00249-9 |
Tuncer, Ezgi (2025), "From ‘safe haven’ to ‘zone of precarity’: locating Istanbul through the perceptions and everyday urban practices of skilled migrants", , Vol.13, No.1, DOI: 10.1186/s40878-025-00432-4 |
Erek, Ayse; Sepe, Marichela; Székely, Juli (2025), "Intangible Heritage – Bridging Tangible and Intangible Heritage through Placemaking: Senses of Belonging and Identification with Place", , 1: 1 |
2024 Yayınları |
Yılmaz, Yiğit; Yılmaz, Burcu Çiğdem (2024), "Energy Performance Optimisation of a Single Dwelling Archetype Targeted to ZEB in the Earthquake Zone", , 297-304 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-54684-6_22 |
Manav, Banu (2024), "A design education and application center to support creative industries", , DOI: 10.1080/17510694.2024.2313271 |
Yilmaz, Burcu Çiğdem; Acun Özgünler, Seden; Yilmaz, Yiğit (2024), "A multi-criteria decision-making method for thermal insulation material selection in nZEB level questioned affordable multifamily housings", , Vol.47, No.6, 628-650 DOI: 10.1177/17442591241238440 |
Nas, Sezin; Şaher, Konca; Mıhçı, Gürkan; Aytıs, Saadet (2024), "EXPLORING THE ACOUSTIC IDENTITY OF DERINKUYU UNDERGROUND CITY", , |
Luzzi, Sergio; Bartalucci, Chiara; Macchie, Sara Delle; Pedrero, Antonio; Saher, Konca (2024), "INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONS AMONG SCHOOLS AS A FOLLOW-UP OF THE INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF SOUND", , |
Şaher, Konca; Dümen, Ayça Şentop; Sezgin, Hakika; Nas, Sezin; Kelle, Dilara; Demiral, Yücel (2024), "REFLECTIONS ON THE INTERNATIONAL NOISE AWARENESS DAY 2023 ACTIVITIES", , |
Şaher, Konca; Dümen, Ayça Şentop; Sezgin, Hakika; Nas, Sezin; Kelle, Dilara; Demiral, Yücel (2024), "REFLECTIONS ON THE INTERNATIONAL NOISE AWARENESS DAY 2023 ACTIVITIES", , |
Tuncer, Ezgi (2024), "Acceptable ‘expats’ versus unwanted ‘Arabs’: Tracing hierarchies through everyday urban practices of skilled migrant women in Istanbul", , Vol.24, No.3, DOI: 10.1111/glob.12473 |
Kılınç, Kıvanç; Pasin, Burkay; Varinlioğlu, Güzden (2024), "Becoming One with the Neighborhood: Collaborative Art, Space-Making, and Urban Change in Izmir Darağaç", , Vol.27, No.4, 501-520 DOI: 10.1177/12063312211040200 |
Günsür Yüceil, Zeynep; Hemiş, Özlem (2024), "Memory Transgressed by Female Bodies: Civil Historiography Contrasted with Official Historiography", , Vol.47, No.2, 214-237 DOI: 10.1080/01472526.2024.2330280 |
Günsür Yüceil, Zeynep; Hemiş, Özlem (2024), "Memory Transgressed by Female Bodies: Civil Historiography Contrasted with Official Historiography", , Vol.47, No.2, 214-237 DOI: 10.1080/01472526.2024.2330280 |
Öz, Gizem (2024), "Local contexts as alternative knowing spaces for design fields", , Vol.20, No.4, 607-620 DOI: 10.1080/15710882.2023.2295023 |
Erek, Ayse; Krasznahorkai, Katalin (2024), "Informal placemaking: social activism and practices of art and culture", , Vol.17, No.2, 165-168 DOI: 10.1080/17549175.2024.2354284 |
2023 Yayınları |
Şaher, Konca; Bulunuz, Mızrap; Kelmendi, Jonida; Nas, Sezin (2023), "Assessment of speech intelligibility during different teaching activities in classrooms with and without acoustic treatment", , Vol.207, DOI: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2023.109346 |
Yılmaz, Burcu Çiğdem; Yılmaz, Yiğit (2023), "Decision support model for PV integrated shading system: Office building case", , Vol.9, 112-117 DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2023.08.083 |
Kaymaz, Egemen; Manav, Banu (2023), "A proposal on residential lighting design considering visual requirements, circadian factors and energy performance of lighting", , Vol.22, No.5, 2851-2866 DOI: 10.1080/13467581.2022.2161308 |
Alrubaye, Zainab; Hudhud Mughrabi, Moaaz; Manav, Banu; Batmaz, Anil Ufuk (2023), "Effects of color cues on eye-hand coordination training with a mirror drawing task in virtual environment", , Vol.14, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1307590 |
Aslan, Ahmet; Saher, Konca; Tozoglu, Ahmet Erdem (2023), "ACOUSTIC TRANSFORMATION OF ROCK-CUT CAVES INTO PERFORMANCE SPACES", , |
Şaher, Konca; Sezgin, Hakika; Dümen, Ayça Şentop; Nas, Sezin; Kulak, Seda; Özçetin, Zuhal (2023), "EXPERIENCES FROM IYS 2020, PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT AND AWARENESS ACTIVITIES IN TURKEY", , |
Şaher, Konca; Sezgin, Hakika; Dümen, Ayça Şentop; Nas, Sezin; Kulak, Seda; Özçetin, Zuhal (2023), "EXPERIENCES FROM IYS 2020, PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT AND AWARENESS ACTIVITIES IN TURKEY", , |
Şaher, Konca; Öztürk, Ayşe; Dümen, Ayça Şentop; Demiral, Yücel; Ozankan, Altay (2023), "THROUGH HEALTIER LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS IN TURKISH SCHOOLS", , |
Gökmen, Sabri; Aykin, Yusuf; Basik, Altan; Alacam, Sema (2023), "A Recursive Algorithm for the Generative Study of Seljuk Muqarnas in Kayseri and Sivas", , Vol.25, No.3, 751-772 DOI: 10.1007/s00004-023-00686-4 |
Gök, Ela; Tuncer, Ezgi (2023), "An unsettling re-composition: Istanbul's lost Armenian April 11 Memorial", , Vol.81, 19-31 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhg.2023.04.004 |
Gokmen, Sabri (2023), "Stripped and layered fabrication of minimal surface tectonics using parametric algorithms", , Vol.10, No.1, DOI: 10.1515/cls-2022-0210 |
Kale, Eda; De Groeve, Marie; Pinnel, Lena; Erkan, Yonca; Hacigüzeller, Piraye; Orr, Scott Allan; De Kock, Tim (2023), "Mapping Vertical Greening on Urban Built Heritage Exposed to Environmental Stressors–A Case Study in Antwerp, Belgium", , Vol.15, No.17, DOI: 10.3390/su151712987 |
Alioğlu, E. Füsun (2023), "The Modular Design of the Mosque of Şehzade Mehmet", , Vol.87, No.308, 87-111 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2023.087 |
Hiz, Gürbey; Şentürer, Ayşe (2023), "A Collection of Late Ottoman Imaginations, Constructions, and Experiences: Servet-i Funun", , Vol.5, 143-162 DOI: 10.53979/yillik.2023.8 |
Öz, Gizem; Timur, Şebnem (2023), "Apprenticeship-Type Learning in the Local: Insights from a Cooperative Weaving Practice for Design Education", , 1: |
Husukić, Erna; Zejnilović, Emina; Despina, Dimelli; Erek, Ayse; Duho, Nika (2023), "Mega-events and placemaking: Place image construction between reality and imagination", , 1: 1 |
2022 Yayınları |
Serra, Juan; Gouaich, Yacine; Manav, Banu (2022), "Preference for accent and background colors in interior architecture in terms of similarity/contrast of natural color system attributes", , Vol.47, No.1, 135-151 DOI: 10.1002/col.22698 |
Yılmaz, Burcu Çiğdem; Yılmaz, Yiğit (2022), "Re-considering the energy efficient retrofitting approach to question cost-optimality and nZEB under COVID-19 measures", , Vol.219, DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109227 |
Şentop Dümen, Ayça; Şaher, Konca; Kurra, Selma (2022), "Towards new acoustic policies in the 'new normal' of the Covid-19 pandemic", , |
Gokmen, Sabri (2022), "Computation and Optimization of Structural Leaf Venation Patterns for Digital Fabrication", , Vol.144, DOI: 10.1016/j.cad.2021.103150 |
Soyöz, Ufuk (2022), "Once upon a time in PERGAMON: Reality and representation in the Hellenistic city", , Vol.25, DOI: 10.1016/j.daach.2022.e00223 |
Gokmen, Sabri; Baslk, Altan; Aykln, Yusuf; Alacam, Sema (2022), "Computational Modeling and Analysis of Seljukid Muqarnas in Kayseri", , Vol.15, No.2, DOI: 10.1145/3477399 |
Tuncer, Ezgi; Eren-Benlisoy, Zeynep (2022), "Secluded Lives: Restricted Urban Practices of Migrant Domestic and Care Workers in Istanbul", , Vol.15, No.28, DOI: 10.20365/disegnarecon.28.2022.3 |
Kilinç, Kivanç; Batuman, Bülent (2022), "(Dis)placement and placemaking: Reconsidering Islamic architecture through refugee agency", , 1: 1 |
Okuş, Dila (2022), "Kantocu Women in Tulûat Theater in Istanbul between 1880-1920", , Vol.2022, No.34, 73-89 DOI: 10.26650/jtcd.2022.1128516 |
Oevermann, Heike; Erek, Ayse; Hein, Carola; Horan, Conor; Krasznahorkai, Kata; Lange, Ida Sofie Gøtzsche; Manahasa, Edmond; Martin, Marijke; Menezes, Marluci; Nikšič, Matej; Polko, Paulina; Székely, Juli; Tappert, Simone; Tuominen, Pekka (2022), "Heritage Requires Citizens’ Knowledge: The COST Place-Making Action and Responsible Research", , 1: |
2021 Yayınları |
Serra, Juan; Manav, Banu; Gouaich, Yacine (2021), "Assessing architectural color preference after Le Corbusier's 1931 Salubra keyboards: A cross cultural analysis", , Vol.10, No.3, 502-515 DOI: 10.1016/j.foar.2021.03.002 |
Atasoy, Zehra Betül (2021), "Gendered Expressions of Labor: The Case of Sümerbank Defterdar Textile Factory (Feshane)", , Vol.8, No.1, 435-442 DOI: 10.2979/jottturstuass.8.1.32 |
Eren, Zeynep Ceren (2021), "Rising Authoritarian Neoliberalism in Rural Turkey: Change and Negotiation of Women in a Gendered Agribusiness in Western Anatolia", , 1: 1 |
Tuncer, Ezgi; Diken, Bülent (2021), "Representations of everyday life in İnci Eviner’s We, Elsewhere: comedy, use and free will", , Vol.17, No.3, 387-404 DOI: 10.1080/14794713.2021.1905264 |
Gökmen, Sabri (2021), "Homeomorphic architecture: Radial prisons and contracted graphs", , Vol.48, No.5, 1213-1227 DOI: 10.1177/2399808320922239 |
Songülen, Nazlı (2021), "Land Policies in the 1780s: The Formation of the Beylerbeyi Neighborhood in Ottoman Istanbul", , Vol.8, No.2, 287-293 DOI: 10.2979/jottturstuass.8.2.17 |
Kılınç, Kıvanç (2021), "In and out of a local idiom: The story of a Siedlung in Yenimahalle, Ankara", , 1: 1 |
Okta, B. Y.; Arifoglu, Burak (2021), "LANDSCAPE URBANISM FOR THE LIVING: ISTANBUL’S GOLDEN HORN", , Vol.22, No.6, 2458-2465 |
2020 Yayınları |
Ram, Vishaal; Schaposnik, Laura P.; Konstantinou, Nikos; Volkan, Eliz; Papadatou-Pastou, Marietta; Manav, Banu; Jonauskaite, Domicele; Mohr, Christine (2020), "Extrapolating continuous color emotions through deep learning", , Vol.2, No.3, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.033350 |
Kepez, Orcun; Ust, Selin (2020), "Collaborative design of an active learning classroom with high school students and teachers", , Vol.14, No.3, 525-541 DOI: 10.1108/ARCH-11-2019-0262 |
Şentop Dümen, Ayça; Şaher, Konca (2020), "Noise annoyance during COVID-19 lockdown: A research of public opinion before and during the pandemic", , Vol.148, No.6, 3489-3496 DOI: 10.1121/10.0002667 |
Gokmen, Sabri (2020), "Metamorphic leaves", , Vol.53, No.5, 522-528 DOI: 10.1162/leon_a_01741 |
Gökmen, Sabri (2020), "Rediscovering Goethe's concept of polarity: A new direction for architectural morphogenesis", , Vol.37, No.1, 51-72 DOI: 10.4305/METU.JFA.2020.1.5 |
Soyöz, Ufuk (2020), "HEALING TOUCH: PILGRIMAGE TO THE ROMAN SANCTUARY OF ASKLEPIOS AT KOS", , Vol.37, No.2, 103-126 DOI: 10.4305/METU.JFA.2020.2.5 |
Gokmen, Sabri (2020), "Exploring Homeomorphism in Building Plans", , |
Buruk, Oguz'Oz'; Özcan, Oguzhan; Baykal, Gökçe Elif; Göksun, Tilbe; Acar, Selçuk; Akduman, Güler; Baytaş, Mehmet Aydln; Beşevli, Ceylan; Best, Joe; Coşkun, Aykut; Genç, Hüseyin Ugur; Kocaballi, A. Baki; Laato, Samuli; Mota, Cássia; Papangelis, Konstantinos; Raftopoulos, Marigo; Ramchurn, Richard; Sádaba, Juan; Thibault, Mattia; Wolff, Annika; Yildiz, Mert (2020), "Children in 2077: Designing children's technologies in the age of transhumanism", , DOI: 10.1145/3334480.3381821 |
2019 Yayınları |
Sag, Mustafa Kaan (2019), "An english missionary society in adrianople: Evangelicalism, millenialism and the jews", , Vol.83, No.296, 309-334 |
Keskin, Mustafa Çağhan (2019), "Waqf inscription of umur beg: A study on inspiration and context", , Vol.2019, No.53, 121-151 |
Hiz, Gürbey (2019), "The making of the ‘new woman’: narratives in the popular illustrated press from the Ottoman Empire to the new Republic (1890–1920s)", , Vol.17, No.2, 156-177 DOI: 10.1080/17460654.2019.1669062 |
Okta, B. Y. (2019), "Ecological strategies for designing halys river: A landscape of flux", , Vol.20, No.3, 1527-1535 |
Erek, Ayse N.; Gantner, Eszter (2019), "Rewriting history: Interpreting heritage in saint petersburg and istanbul", , 1: 1 |
2018 Yayınları |
Di̇Mli̇ Oraklibel, Renk; Ülkebaş, Selen Devrim; Oygür, Işıl (2018), "Creative problem-solving assessment and product design education", , |
Oygür, Işıl; Ülkebaş, Selen Devrim (2018), "Students’ product perception: A cross-sectional analysis", , |
Erkan, Yonca (2018), "Viewpoint: Historic Urban Landscape Approach for Sustainable Urban Development", , Vol.9, No.3-4, 346-348 DOI: 10.1080/17567505.2018.1517192 |
Gürkaş, Ezgi Tuncer (2018), "Border as “Zone of Indistinction”: The State of Exception and the Spectacle of Terror Along Turkey’s Border With Syria", , Vol.21, No.3, 322-335 DOI: 10.1177/1206331217741080 |
Erkan, Yonca (2018), "The Way Forward with Historic Urban Landscape Approach Towards Sustainable Urban Development", , Vol.2, No.4, 82-89 DOI: 10.1186/BF03545686 |
Ekinci, Sevil Enginsoy (2018), "Writing, model making, and inventing in Paul Scheerbart’s The Perpetual Motion Machine", , 1: 1 |