FAD-Compulsory Internship

Faculty of Art and Design

Steps to Follow for Internship Submissions:

  1. The students choose the company where they will do the internship, in accordance with the internship directives and application principles, and apply via the MyKhas (my.khas.edu.tr) website, Career Module, at least 15 days before the start date of the internship. In order for the students to apply for a compulsory internship, they must be registered in the relevant internship course in the previous semester.
  2. During the internship period, the students fill out the internship book by writing down the work they do in detail day by day. (Each working day should be written on a separate page. If necessary, more than one page can be used for a working day, with the date of the same working day written on these pages. Photographs of the work done should also be placed on the relevant working day page. Images that do not fit on one page can be added as an attachment to be stated on that day’s page. It can be attached to the back of the internship notebook.)
  3. Students must submit their completed internship documents (Internship Book and Internship Evaluation Form) on the date announced by the internship commission (the fourth week of the following academic semester at the latest), a scanned digital copy via the MyKhas (my.khas.edu.tr) web address, Career Module. It will be delivered as soft-copy. If deemed necessary, internship advisors may also request a hard copy of the documents from the student.
    • Internship Book (Page 9 of the internship book format is where you will write the details of the work you have done for each day. You must copy this page as many times as the day you interned. You can fill out the internship book on the computer or print it and fill it out manually. When you complete the internship, all pages of the internship book must be approved (signed and stamped) by the company’s internship supervisor/manager and delivered in the form specified by the department internship commission.)
    • Internship Evaluation Form (When the internship is completed, this document is filled out by the company’s internship supervisor/manager, approved, signed and stamped, and delivered in the format specified by the department internship commission.)

    *The documents writing language for internship submissions is Turkish; Foreign students and students doing internships abroad can fill out their notebooks in English.