Lecturer in our psychology department Assoc. Prof.. Dr. Onurcan Yilmazfrom Yaşar University Assoc. Prof.. Dr. Sinan Alper in collaboration with Why We Believe in Conspiracy Theories: On the Psychology of Conspiracy Beliefs , took its place on the shelves with the Doğan Kitap label.
For detailed information: https://www.dogankitap.com.tr/kitap/komplo-teorilerine-neden-inaniriz
About the Book:
“Whether it’s a broad belief in a secret organization that directs every development on Earth or a much narrower belief that the Moon has never actually been visited, beliefs that are not based on evidence that a group is carrying out various activities for secret and malicious purposes are called ‘conspiracy theories.'”
So why do we believe in conspiracy theories? Is believing in conspiracy theories a weakness or a natural characteristic of humans? Do only certain people believe in conspiracy theories? Has there been an increase in conspiracy theories recently? Are there any conspiracy theories that have later turned out to be true? What are the differences between scientific theories and conspiracy theories? Is it possible for us to develop immunity to conspiracy theories?
Chapters of the Book:
CHAPTER 1/What is a conspiracy theory?
“This is not a bug, it is a feature.”
Scientific theories and conspiracy theories
What is a conspiracy theory?
Evolutionary and psychological functions of conspiracy theories
The evolution of belief
PART 2/Real conspiracies and the benefits of conspiracy beliefs
Real conspiracies
The probability of a conspiracy being true
Harmless(?) conspiracy theories
All conspiracy theories are related – even the seemingly unrelated ones
Made-up conspiracy theories
The benefits of conspiracy theories
Are the effects of conspiracy theories overrated?
Conspiracy theories that cannot be true at the same time
CHAPTER 3 / Harms of conspiracy theories
Declining trust in institutions and people
Political polarization and aggression
CHAPTER 4/Social factors that increase conspiracy beliefs
CHAPTER 5/Individual factors
Individual motivations and conspiracy theories
Political ideology and conspiracy theories
CHAPTER 6/How can we combat conspiracy theories?
Ridicule and exclusion
Saying the claim is a “conspiracy theory”
Refuting the claim
Encouragement to think rationally
Convincing “Flat Earthers”
“Vaccination” technique
Large-scale use of the grafting technique
The most successful intervention methods
Fighting conspiracy theories on an individual level
CHAPTER 7/Conclusion
Evolutionary origins and the influence of culture
Function and consequences of conspiracy theories
Click here for a preview of the book.