KHAS Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Workshop: Spatial Loop

Our campus activities for high school students continue with the KHAS Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Workshop: Spatial Loop.

Academicians of our Faculty of Art and Design will meet with high school students on Monday, April 29th between 10:45-12:00 at our Cibali Campus.

All students participating in the KHAS Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Workshop: Spatial Cycle will be given a certificate of participation.


Monday, April 29, 2024

KHAS KHAS Academy of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design: Spatial Loop

10:45- 11:00 Opening Speech – Prof. Dr. Banu Manav / Dean of STF

11:00-12:00 Assist. Prof. Burcu Çiğdem Yılmaz & Lecturer Dilara Kelle

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