KHAS Academy-VII: “New Technologies and ”

General Information

Our campus activities for high school students continue with KHAS High School Law Academy-VII: “New Technologies and Law”.

Members of our Faculty of Law will meet with high school students on Wednesday, April 24th between 10:30-13:30 at the Cibali Campus Fener Hall.

KHAS High School Law Academy-VII: All students participating in the “New Technologies and Law” study will be given a participation certificate.


April 24, 2024

KHAS High School Law Academy-VII: “New Technologies and Law”

11.00-11.40 – Res. Asst. Baran Kızılırmak- – Legal Issues Arising from the Use of Artificial Intelligence Systems

11.40-12.20- Lecturer Dr. Davut Gürses- Crypto Assets and Law

12.40-13.20- Mehmet Emir Uçar, Faculty of Law, 4th Year Student- Being a Law Student at KHAS and Case Based Education

Application Form: KHAS Kampüs Etkinlik Katılım Formu