Master Class: Dr. Doğa M. Kürkçüoğlu – New Developments in Quantum Technologies and Quantum Computing

Kadir Has University and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) prepared a MasterClass course with an intensive program between September 9-15, 2023. This MasterClass aims to demonstrate the fundamentals of quantum computing and quantum programming, and at the end of it, you are expected to be able to run algorithms on a quantum processing unit (qpu).

The training, to be given by Dr. Doğa M. Kürkçüoğlu from FermiLab, will also include video interviews with Fermilab-NASA scientists and a virtual tour of some experimental centers at Fermilab via video.

Main headings:

  1. What are quantum computers, what technologies are currently available?
  2. Introduction to quantum computing
  3. Qubit concept, Bloch sphere
  4. Quantum Entanglement
  5. Quantum Gates
  6. Deutsch Jozsa Algorithm
  7. Quantum Fourier Transform

The training will be held face-to-face between 10:00-16:00 from Saturday, September 9th to Friday, September 15th, and meetings will be held via Zoom from FermiLab between 19:00-21:00 on some days.

University students, faculty members, employees from different sectors and high school students who have achieved Outstanding Success in KHAS High School Summer and Winter Schools can apply for the training.

The course is in Turkish! The fee for the training with limited quota is 4000 TL. Successful and Highly Successful participants will be given a certificate in Turkish and English and there will be a personal interview at the end of the course.

For detailed information:

To apply:

Dr. Doğa Murat Kürkçüoğlu is a theoretical physicist. After completing his PhD in Physics and minor in Computer Science at Georgia Institute of Technology, he worked as a research assistant at the same university and as a visiting professor at Georgia Southern University. He worked as a research assistant at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in the P-21 (later MPA-Q – Quantum Technologies) and XCP-5 (Computational Physics) departments. After his LANL assignment, he worked as a research assistant at FermiLab and was promoted to Associate Scientist. His current research interests are quantum computing, quantum simulation, and quantum technologies. While he was still a high school student, Dr. Kürkçüoğlu completed the “Phase Transitions and Renormalization Group” course at our High School Summer School with Distinction.