Prof. Dr. Mustafa Dural Commemoration Panel – Current Developments in Private VIII: Condominium

The eighth of the panel series titled Commemorating Prof. Dr. Mustafa Dural: Current Developments in Private Law, which our Faculty of Law has been organizing since 2017, will be held on Thursday, February 22, in the D Block Great Hall.

In the panel titled “Condominium Law”, Prof. Dr. Etem Saba Özmen, Prof. Dr. Suat Sarı and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ayar will present their papers on the subject.

We are waiting for all legal professionals to attend this scientific event which aims to keep the memory of our esteemed professor alive.


Opening Speech

Prof. Dr. Ozan Erözden, Dean of Kadir Has University Faculty of Law

Memorial Speeches


Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Başak Baysal, Kadir Has University


Question – Answer