‘The Body as Archive’ Film Gösterimi ve Söyleşi

 Gösterim sonrası söyleşi: Michael Maurissens & Zeynep Günsür

2016 yılında ilk gösterimi yapılan ‘The Body as Archive’ filmini izleyecek ve filmin yönetmeni Michael Maurissens ile bir söyleşi gerçekleştireceğiz.

Film Türkçe alt yazılıdır, söyleşi Türkçe ve İngilizce gerçekleşecektir.

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/191083562 

Website : www.thebodyasarchive.com 

The Body as Archive is a documentary film based on research that considers ways in which the dancer’s body can be regarded as archive. A few hypotheses are intended as a frame of its research; is the body of a dancer only a repository of forms of usage?

Dancers create, accumulate, and carry knowledge – where is it stored and what do they explore through their practice? Is it possible to locate kinetic knowledge and understand its connection between subjective vision and objective realization?

How do cultural and social contexts reflect in the body of a dancer?

The Body as Archive explores the role of dancer in the preservation of collective knowledge, it’s transmission and it’s accessibility.

With the participation of Prof. Dr. Maaike Bleeker, Allison Brown, Prof.Patrick Haggard, Fabrice MazliahJone San Martin, Michael Schumacher, Prof. Dr. Gerald Siegmund, Prof. Wolf Singer, Dr. Ing. Michael Steinbusch, Thomas Thorausch and Ildikó Tóth, students of Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Frankfurt am Main, Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience, UCL and Institute of Philosophy, School of Advanced Study, University of London, Institute for Applied Theatre Studies/Justus- Liebig-Universität Gießen, P.A.R.T.S. Brussels

Directed by Michael Maurissens

Written by Michael Maurissens and DarkoDragičević

First Assistant Director: Darko Dragičević

Director of Photography/Editor: Alexander Basile

Music composed by Gregor Schwellenbach 

Produced by CARRÉ BLANC Productions 

Funded by TANZFONDS ERBE – Eine Initiative der Kulturstiftung des Bundes, Film- undMedienstiftungNRW 

Supported by Deutsches Tanzarchiv Köln, Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Frankfurt am Main, Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience, UCL and Institute of Philosophy, School of Advanced Study, University of London, Institut für Angewandte Theaterwissenschaft/Justus- Liebig-Universität Gießen, Max-Planck-Institut für Hirnforschung, Frankfurt am Main, P.A.R.T.S. Brussels, The Forsythe Company, Technische Universität, Dresden, Zentrum für Austausch und Innovation Köln