Maximum Period



Codes of Practice on Rights to Take Exams Granted at the End of Maximum Lengths of Education for Students Enrolled for Bachelor’s Degree Programs pursuant to Article 44/c of the Higher Education Law No. 2547

Starting from February 2, 2015, those students enrolled for a bachelor’s degree program at our university are required to complete their bachelor’s degree programs, the length of education of which is four years, within a maximum period of seven years, irrespective of whether they enrolled for each semester. A final year student, who fails to graduate at the end of these maximum lengths of education, will be given the right to take two additional exams for courses, which they failed, within the scope of the paragraph (c) of the article 44 of the Law No. 2547.

1. Out of those students to whom the right to take two additional exams is granted;

a) Those, who fail to reduce the number of courses at which they are unsuccessful to five or less at the end of the additional exams, will be disenrolled. Internship courses are not included into the number of failed courses.

b) Those, who achieve to reduce the number of courses at which they are unsuccessful to five or less at the end of the additional exams, will be granted an extension of time for three semesters.

c) Those with five or less courses at which they are unsuccessful without exercising the right to take additional exams will be granted an extension of time for four semesters.

d) Those, who fail to graduate or who fail to reduce the number of courses at which they are unsuccessful to one course at the end of these extensions of time, will be disenrolled.

e) Those, who achieve to reduce the number of courses at which they are unsuccessful to one course, will be granted the right to take unlimited number of exams. These students will pay the fee as designated by the Board of Trustees for the courses for which they take exams. A student, who is entitled to take unlimited number of exams but fails to take exams for three academic years in total successively or intermittently or fails to complete their internship, will be deemed to have waived the right to take unlimited number of exams and, disenrolled.

2. Students are required to successfully complete their internships within the periods allocated to that end. For students for whom the only requirement is internship, the provisions concerning unlimited number of additional exams will apply.

3. Those who are exercising the right of additional exams and extensions of time will not be allowed to exercise the other rights granted to students. Those students who become successful at the end of these additional exams/ extensions of time will graduate once they fulfill the other requirements for graduation.

4. Those final years students, who pass in all the courses required to graduate from the respective programs they are enrolled for, but for whom there is a possibility of disenrollment at the end of the maximum lengths of education since they fail to achieve the grade point average for graduation, will be given the right to take unlimited number of exams in order to increase their grade point average, but they will not be allowed to exercise the other rights granted to students. These students will pay the fee as designated by the Board of Trustees for the courses for which they take exams.

5. The additional exams will be held on such dates at the end of each semester as indicated on the academic calendar and, completed before the time to enroll for courses for the next semester.

6. Students who wish to benefit from these additional exams and the right to take exams within the extended period of time are required to submit an application to the principal’s office of the respective the dean’s office of the respective Faculty before the exam dates.

7. Students who fail to submit an application to exercise the right to take exams will be deemed to have waived these rights. Since the practice concerning the maximum length of education for bachelor’s degree students will commence at the end of fall semester of the academic year of 2021-2022 for the first time, there will be no requirement for application for two additional exams as a right granted to all the final year students. Students who fail to take exams will be deemed to have exercised the right to take exams and, considered failed.

8. A student who pass in a course for which they take an exam at the first time will not be allowed to take the same exam for the second time to increase their grade point average. A student who did not exercise the right to take additional exams for the first time or fails at that time will be allowed to take it for the second time.

9. Provisions concerning make up exams will not apply for additional exams