The staff of our School of Foreign Languages is expanding with new names. Here are our new academics:
Esra Özilhan Çiftci completed her undergraduate education in 2009 at the top of her class in the English Language and Literature Department at Istanbul Kültür University, and her MA in Comparative Literature at Istanbul Bilgi University in 2013. She received her pedagogical formation certificate from Yıldız Technical University in 2010. In July 2022, she completed the scientific preparation year of the Educational Studies master’s program (MSc) at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. She also holds a CELTA certificate from Cambridge University. In addition to Kadir Has University, she has also worked as a lecturer at Beykent University, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf University, Özyeğin University and Yeditepe University.
Ömer Çiftci completed his undergraduate education at Istanbul University, Department of English Language and Literature in 2010, and his graduate education at Istanbul Bilgi University, Comparative Literature program in 2012. Before joining Kadir Has University, he worked as a lecturer at Altınbaş University and Özyeğin University, respectively.
Serra İlgi Karakaş completed her undergraduate education at Marmara University, Department of Translation and Interpreting (English) in 2018. In 2019, she started her MA in European Politics and International Relations (English) at Marmara University, Institute of European Studies and graduated in 2023 with her thesis titled “The Role of The High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of The European Union: A Critical Discourse Analysis on The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” Since 2018, she has taught various courses in the English Preparatory Unit and in the Departments of English Translation and Interpreting, French Translation and Interpreting, and German Translation and Interpreting. Karakaş, who is currently continuing her studies in the PhD program in Language and Interpreting Studies at the same school, also plans to conduct research on topics such as English Language Teaching, Critical/Discourse Analysis, and Terminology.
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