Project Support for Our Psychology Students within the Scope of TUBITAK 2209-A Program

Our 4th year students in the Department of Psychology, Züleyha Kaya and Rumeysa Kayam, were awarded support within the scope of the TÜBİTAK 2209-A University Students Research Projects Support Program with their project titled “The Role of Gesture Vision in Learning Spatial Information”.

This project, which will last 12 months, has two main objectives: The first of these main objectives is to directly compare and investigate the role of gestures in remembering spatial and verbal information. For this purpose, the effect of context differences on remembering information learned with the help of gestures will be investigated. Another main objective of the project is to investigate to what extent gestures are used in the transfer of spatial and verbal information learned through iconic and rhythmic gestures.

Based on these objectives, the proposed project aims to show the role of context differences in the processes of learning through gesture and transferring learned knowledge through gesture, as well as the effects of different gesture types in this context.

We congratulate our students Züleyha and Rumeysa and our project advisor, Dr. Demet Özer, a faculty member of the Psychology Department, and wish them success in their research.