Summer School



  1. The course registrations for the 2023-2024 Summer School will begin on Thursday, July 4, 2024, at 09:00 AM via SPARKS and will end on Friday, July 5, 2024, at 05:00 PM. Summer School courses will commence on Monday, July 8, 2024.
  2. Except for the online courses coded EL, all other courses will be conducted face-to-face.
  3. Students must first obtain approval from their advisors for the courses they select and then pay the required fee in advance. The Summer School fees are as follows: for undergraduate students, a course with 3 or more credits is 9,750 TL, a 2-credit course is 6,800 TL, and a 1-credit course is 3,400 TL, including VAT. For international students (including Turkish students registered under the foreign student status), the fees are 350 USD for a course with 3 or more credits, 250 USD for a 2-credit course, and 150 USD for a 1-credit course. The additional spring semester is free for students in their first year of the Preparatory Program. For passive students in their second year who have not registered, the fee for the additional spring semester is 23,000 TL including VAT. For international students (including Turkish students registered under the foreign student status), the fee for the additional spring semester is 1,000 USD including VAT. Course registration will be completed once the payment is approved by the Financial Affairs Directorate.
  4. Students may take a maximum of 3 (three) courses, not exceeding 12 KHAS credits or 21 ECTS credits in total, during the 2023-2024 Summer School. Students who are eligible to graduate at the end of the Summer School may be allowed to take 1 (one) additional course with the approval of the faculty board.
  5. Students benefiting from the University Entrance (ÖSYM) Success Scholarship (full scholarship) and White Doves Scholarship will not pay any fees for the courses they are taking for the first time in the Summer School. Other scholarships and discounts do not apply during the Summer School. The full Summer School fee determined by the Board of Trustees will be charged.
  6. Irregular students who start the Core Program in the spring semester and will take fall semester courses for the first time can take these courses for free.
  7. A minimum of 10 students must register for a course to be offered. Courses with fewer than 10 students can remain open with the approval of the Vice Rector responsible for Education if the following conditions are met:
  • One of the students registered for the course will be eligible for graduation with the completion of that course.
  • The course has no scheduled class hours.
  • The course is conducted parallel to another course (at the same time and in the same classroom), and the total number of students in the parallel courses exceeds 10.

Courses that do not reach the required number of registered students will be announced to the respective students. Students whose registered courses are not offered will be refunded the fee for the unopened courses. Students who wish to take new courses and those who have not registered previously can add courses during the course addition period. The courses to be offered will be finalized based on registration status on Tuesday, July 9, 2024. Course additions can be made until Thursday, July 11, 2024, but course drops and withdrawals are not permitted.

8. The conditions for taking courses from other universities during the Summer School are as follows:

  • The course must not be offered in the Summer School at our University.
  • The language of instruction for the course must be the same as that of the equivalent course at KHAS.
  • The course content must match the equivalent course at KHAS.
  • Courses from distance education or open education programs cannot be taken.
  • Courses such as graduation projects, term projects, internships, and similar courses, or courses conducted individually under the supervision of a faculty member without a specific schedule, cannot be taken.
  • A student may take a maximum of 3 (three) courses equivalent to 12 KHAS credits or 21 ECTS credits from other universities during their studies at Kadir Has University.
  • If elective courses in the course plans are not offered in the Summer School and the student has failed these courses, they may take a course offered by another university with the approval of the relevant unit as an elective course.
  • These conditions must be determined by the relevant Faculty Board before taking the course. Therefore, students are expected to apply to the relevant Faculty Dean’s Office for approval before taking a course from another university.

Click for the 2023-2024 Summer School course list.



July 4-5, 2024 (Thursday-Friday)

1. Select your courses on SPARKS and submit the same to your consultant for approval.

2. After the approval of your consultant, pay the respective fee to the Directorate of Financial Affairs.

July 10-11, 2024 (Wednesday-Thursday)

3. You may add courses or take courses if you have not enrolled for courses yet.

4. In case no course you have enrolled for is open, then you may be refunded for the fee you have paid for the courses not opened from the Directorate of Financial Affairs or you may add courses instead.

   Summer School courses will begin on Monday, July 8, 2024.