Scientific Publications

2025 Publications
Tüzün, Defne; Akcali, Elif; Paca Cengiz, Esin; Behlil, Melis (2025), "Two balloons can fly a minaret: parody and fabricated reality as integral qualities of mock-documentary in Aya Seyahat", , DOI: 10.1080/17503280.2024.2445251
Tüzün, Defne; Akcali, Elif; Paca Cengiz, Esin; Behlil, Melis (2025), "Two balloons can fly a minaret: parody and fabricated reality as integral qualities of mock-documentary in Aya Seyahat", , DOI: 10.1080/17503280.2024.2445251
Tüzün, Defne; Akcali, Elif; Paca Cengiz, Esin; Behlil, Melis (2025), "Two balloons can fly a minaret: parody and fabricated reality as integral qualities of mock-documentary in Aya Seyahat", , DOI: 10.1080/17503280.2024.2445251
Tüzün, Defne; Akcali, Elif; Paca Cengiz, Esin; Behlil, Melis (2025), "Two balloons can fly a minaret: parody and fabricated reality as integral qualities of mock-documentary in Aya Seyahat", , DOI: 10.1080/17503280.2024.2445251
Kozak, Metin; Correia, Antonia (2025), "From mass marketing to personalized digital marketing in tourism: a 2050 horizon paper", , Vol.80, No.1, 373-391 DOI: 10.1108/TR-03-2024-0169
Hu, Fangli; Wen, Jun; Kozak, Metin (2025), "Mental health research in tourism and hospitality: a horizon 2050 paper", , Vol.80, No.1, 90-107 DOI: 10.1108/TR-11-2023-0788
2024 Publications
Eser, Büşra; Karaosmanoğlu, Defne (2024), "Gastrodiplomacy in Turkey: ‘saving the world’ or neoliberal conservative cultural policies at work", , Vol.30, No.2, 192-206 DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2023.2183951
Türkoğlu, Didem; Akın, Afife İdil (2024), "Offside politics during the democratic erosion: social movements and May 2023 presidential election cycle in Turkey", , DOI: 10.1080/14742837.2024.2365751
Koçer, Suncem; Öz, Bahadır; Okçuoğlu, Gülten; Tapramaz, Fezal (2024), "Folk theories of false information: A mixed-methods study in the context of Covid-19 in Turkey", , Vol.26, No.10, 5877-5897 DOI: 10.1177/14614448221142310
Sunam Audry, Aylin; Bas, Ozen; İnceoğlu, İrem; Kaya, Yiğit Bahadır; Cöbek, Gözde; Alkurt, Saygın Vedat (2024), "Nationwide research on the uses and motivations of dating apps by young adults in the cultural environment of Turkey", , Vol.12, No.3, 662-687 DOI: 10.1177/20501579231215709
Akser, Murat; Baybars, Banu (2024), "Media Systems and Media Capture in Turkey: A Case Study", , Vol.12, DOI: 10.17645/mac.7733
Baybars, Banu; Akser, Murat (2024), "Finding Leadership in Media Education", , Vol.12, No.2, 269-287 DOI: 10.5195/cinej.2024.692
Arda, Balca; Baş, Özen (2024), "Multimodal online dissident culture in Instagram: A critique of the Turkish economy", , Vol.27, No.3, 323-348 DOI: 10.1177/13678779231213991
Sunam Audry, Aylin; Bas, Ozen; İnceoğlu, İrem; Kaya, Yiğit Bahadır; Cöbek, Gözde; Alkurt, Saygın Vedat (2024), "Nationwide research on the uses and motivations of dating apps by young adults in the cultural environment of Turkey", , Vol.12, No.3, 662-687 DOI: 10.1177/20501579231215709
Sunam Audry, Aylin; Bas, Ozen; İnceoğlu, İrem; Kaya, Yiğit Bahadır; Cöbek, Gözde; Alkurt, Saygın Vedat (2024), "Nationwide research on the uses and motivations of dating apps by young adults in the cultural environment of Turkey", , Vol.12, No.3, 662-687 DOI: 10.1177/20501579231215709
Sunam Audry, Aylin; Bas, Ozen; İnceoğlu, İrem; Kaya, Yiğit Bahadır; Cöbek, Gözde; Alkurt, Saygın Vedat (2024), "Nationwide research on the uses and motivations of dating apps by young adults in the cultural environment of Turkey", , Vol.12, No.3, 662-687 DOI: 10.1177/20501579231215709
Aktaş, Gürhan; Kozak, Metin (2024), "INTRODUCTION TO THE SERIES", , xxi-xxii
Kozak, Metin; Cetin, Gurel; Alrawadieh, Zaid (2024), "Repositioning Work and Leisure: Digital Nomads Versus Tourists", , Vol.26, No.4, DOI: 10.1002/jtr.2732
Josiassen, Alexander; Hede, Anne Marie; Kozak, Metin; Kock, Florian; Assaf, Albert (2024), "Place solidarity: A case of the Türkiye earthquakes", , Vol.5, No.1, DOI: 10.1016/j.annale.2024.100125
Chalermchaikit, Vorakarn; Kozak, Metin; Preudhikulpradab, Sirichai (2024), "Gender inclusion: The practices of organizational development and human resource management", , Vol.120, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2024.103773
Khalilzadeh, Jalayer; Kozak, Metin; Del Chiappa, Giacomo (2024), "Tourism motivation: A complex adaptive system", , Vol.31, DOI: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2024.100861
Kırlar-Can, Burçin; Ertaş, Mehmet; Kozak, Metin; Altınay, Levent (2024), "A possible transformation of tourism education: A chaos theory perspective", , Vol.35, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhlste.2024.100513
Esfandiar, Kourosh; Rahmani Seryasat, Majid; Kozak, Metin (2024), "To shop or not to shop while traveling? Exploring the influence of shopping mall attributes on overall tourist shopping satisfaction", , Vol.49, No.6, 1411-1426 DOI: 10.1080/02508281.2023.2186088
Ertaş, Mehmet; Kozak, Metin; Kırlar-Can, Burçin (2024), "Scholarly publishing in tourism and feelings of envy: impacts on emotional exhaustion, job satisfaction, and life satisfaction", , Vol.27, No.24, 4410-4429 DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2023.2273918
Özçetin, Burak; Emre, Perrin Öğün (2024), "International migration and the NGOs working in the field of migration in Turkey", , Vol.62, No.1, 269-284 DOI: 10.1111/imig.13226
Mair, Judith; Aktaş, Gürhan; Kozak, Metin (2024), "INTERNATIONAL CASE STUDIES IN EVENT MANAGEMENT", 1: 1
Zheng, Danni; Kozak, Metin; Wen, Jun (2024), "Handbook of Tourism and Consumer Behavior", 1: 1
Zheng, Danni; Kozak, Metin; Wen, Jun (2024), "Introduction to the Handbook of Tourism and Consumer Behavior", , 1: 1
Chalermchaikit, Vorakarn; Kozak, Metin (2024), "Barriers to gender-based pro-environmental travel behavior", , 1: 1
Lam, Jason M.S.; Kozak, Metin; Ariffin, Ahmad Azmi (2024), "Would you like to travel after the Covid-19 pandemic? A novel examination of the causal correlations within the attitudinal theory of planned behaviour", , Vol.10, No.2, 58-68 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14525041
Aktaş, Gürhan; Kozak, Metin (2024), "INTRODUCTION TO THE SERIES", , xxi-xxii
Mair, Judith; Aktaş, Gürhan; Kozak, Metin (2024), "Preface", , xxiii-xxvi
Arda, Balca (2024), "Aesthetic Approach for Critical Sociology of Contemporary Communication Technology", , Vol.50, No.4-5, 643-656 DOI: 10.1177/08969205231206511
Arda, Balca; Baş, Özen (2024), "Multimodal online dissident culture in Instagram: A critique of the Turkish economy", , Vol.27, No.3, 323-348 DOI: 10.1177/13678779231213991
2023 Publications
Selen, Eser; Sunam, Aylin; Akın, Afife İdil; Biçakcı, Hilal; Kaplan, Arda (2023), "The impacts of processes of digitalization on the reception of contemporary art in Turkey during Covid-19", , Vol.32, No.1, 70-87 DOI: 10.1080/09548963.2022.2035191
Akser, Murat; Baybars, Banu (2023), "Repressed media and illiberal politics in Turkey: the persistence of fear", , Vol.23, No.1, 159-177 DOI: 10.1080/14683857.2022.2088647
Tüzün, Defne (2023), "In Between Two Screens: Trauma, Memory, and Subjectivity in Gülsün Karamustafa’s Work", , Vol.37, No.2, 1-16 DOI: 10.1080/02560046.2023.2212727
Paça Cengiz, Esin (2023), "Rethinking the historical film form: trauma, temporality and indirect representation in historical essay films", , Vol.27, No.3, 377-401 DOI: 10.1080/13642529.2023.2210377
Behlil, Melis (2023), "Turkish remakes of Korean TV dramas", , Vol.16, No.2, 163-179 DOI: 10.1080/17510694.2021.1978690
Diken, Bülent; Gilloch, Graeme (2023), "Feeling Real, Feeling Free: The Body, Bio-politics and the Spectacle in Blade Runner 2019 and 2049", , Vol.7, No.1, 1-13 DOI: 10.56801/esic.v7.i1.1
Soysal, Levent (2023), "Türkiye", , 1: 1
Selen, Eser; Sunam, Aylin; Akın, Afife İdil; Biçakcı, Hilal; Kaplan, Arda (2023), "The impacts of processes of digitalization on the reception of contemporary art in Turkey during Covid-19", , Vol.32, No.1, 70-87 DOI: 10.1080/09548963.2022.2035191
Gökşen, Fatoş; Küçük, Bermal; Cöbek, Gözde; Bayram, Sidar; Cemalcılar, Zeynep (2023), "Cruel optimism of waiting: precarity experiences of young adults in Turkey", , DOI: 10.1080/13676261.2023.2294304
Kim, Minchul; Bas, Ozen (2023), "Seeing the Black Lives Matter Movement Through Computer Vision? An Automated Visual Analysis of News Media Images on Facebook", , Vol.9, No.3, DOI: 10.1177/20563051231195582
Yanardağoğlu, Eylem (2023), "Citizenship, Media and Activism in Turkey during Gezi Park Protests1", , 1: 1
Zheng, Danni; Wen, Jun; Kozak, Metin; Phau, Ian; Hou, Haifeng; Wang, Wei (2023), "Vulnerable populations with psychological disorders in tourism: Methodological challenges and recommended solutions for empirical research", , Vol.98, DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2023.104760
Al-Saad, Saad; AlWohoush, Osama; Kozak, Metin; AlMasri, Reem (2023), "Health and Hygiene as a Factor of Destination Competitiveness: A Comparative Study Using Synchronic and Diachronic Data", , Vol.20, No.3, 317-335 DOI: 10.1080/21568316.2022.2107562
Wen, Jun; Kozak, Metin; Ying, Tianyu (2023), "Cannabis tourists' perceived constraints to engaging in commercial cannabis tourism overseas: a comparison of first-time and repeat tourists", , Vol.35, No.1, 130-148 DOI: 10.1108/APJML-06-2021-0411
Şanlıöz-Özgen, H. Kader; Kozak, Metin (2023), "Customer experience in five-star hotel businesses: is it an “experience” for customers?", , Vol.18, No.3, 306-320 DOI: 10.1108/CBTH-11-2022-0197
Seraphin, Hugues; Kennell, James; Smith, Simon; Mandić, Ante; Kozak, Metin (2023), "Determining and making sense of recruitment practices for tourism academics in the UK", , Vol.31, No.6, 2729-2752 DOI: 10.1108/IJOA-02-2022-3173
Turgambekova, Zhansaya; Kozak, Metin; Correia, Antonia (2023), "Brand assets: a prerequisite to promoting a developing destination", , Vol.9, No.3, 517-533 DOI: 10.1108/IJTC-03-2023-0054
Camilleri, Mark Anthony; Troise, Ciro; Kozak, Metin (2023), "Functionality and usability features of ubiquitous mobile technologies: the acceptance of interactive travel apps", , Vol.14, No.2, 188-207 DOI: 10.1108/JHTT-12-2021-0345
Camilleri, Mark Anthony; Kozak, Metin (2023), "Utilitarian motivations to engage with travel websites: an interactive technology adoption model", , Vol.37, No.1, 96-109 DOI: 10.1108/JSM-12-2021-0477
Şanlıöz-Özgen, Hanım Kader; Kozak, Metin (2023), "Positioning five-star hotels in city destinations: The case of Istanbul, Turkey", , Vol.23, No.2, 239-253 DOI: 10.1177/14673584221085704
Sevilmiş, Ali; Kozak, Metin; Özdemir, Ilknur (2023), "DRIVERS OF EMPLOYEE DIS/SATISFACTION: A COMPARISON OF TOURISM AND SPORTS INDUSTRIES", , Vol.11, No.2, 210-234 DOI: 10.30519/ahtr.1136916
Günaydin, Yusuf; Kozak, Metİn; Çinar, Kevser (2023), "IMPACTS OF THE PANDEMIC ON HOSPITALITY OPERATIONS: THE MANAGERIAL PERSPECTIVE", , Vol.28, No.4, 565-586 DOI: 10.3727/108354223X16922214414123
Seraphin, Hugues; Kennell, James; Smith, Ante Mandici Simon; Kozak, Metin (2023), "LANGUAGE DIVERSITY AND LITERATURE REVIEWS IN TOURISM RESEARCH", , Vol.23, No.4, 307-322 DOI: 10.3727/109830422X16600594683517
Kozak, Metin (2023), "Accelerated trends in tourism marketing and tourist behaviour", , 1: 1
Wen, Jun; Hu, Fangli; Zheng, Danni; Phau, Ian; Kozak, Metin; Hou, Haifeng; Wang, Wei (2023), "Solidarity tourism: A pathway to revitalising the health of vulnerable war-affected populations?", , Vol.13, DOI: 10.7189/JOGH.13.03050
Yildirim, Şeyda Nur (2023), "Staging Theatre Historiography: The Afterlives of Ottoman Armenian Drama in Contemporary Turkish Public Theatre", , Vol.48, No.3, 246-263 DOI: 10.1017/S0307883323000160
Selen, Eser; Sunam, Aylin; Akın, Afife İdil; Biçakcı, Hilal; Kaplan, Arda (2023), "The impacts of processes of digitalization on the reception of contemporary art in Turkey during Covid-19", , Vol.32, No.1, 70-87 DOI: 10.1080/09548963.2022.2035191
2022 Publications
Yılmaz, Mine Bertan; Baybars, Banu (2022), "A Critical Perspective on Greenwashing Under the Roof of Corporate Environmentalism", , 1:
Yılmaz, Mine Bertan; Baybars, Banu (2022), "A Critical Perspective on Greenwashing Under the Roof of Corporate Environmentalism", , 1:
Yılmaz, Mine Bertan; Rızvanoğlu, Kerem (2022), "Understanding users’ behavioral intention to use voice assistants on smartphones through the integrated model of user satisfaction and technology acceptance: a survey approach", , Vol.20, No.6, 1738-1764 DOI: 10.1108/JEDT-02-2021-0084
Bozdağ, Çiğdem; Koçer, Suncem (2022), "Trust in news in the context of political polarization: A case study of Turkey", , 1: 1
Diken, Bülent; Laustsen, Carsten Bagge (2022), "COMIC SOCRATES? The Clouds, Taste, and Philosophy", , Vol.18, No.2, 247-263 DOI: 10.1215/17432197-9716296
Diken, Bülent; Laustsen, Carsten Bagge (2022), "“Is Something Funny, Asshole?": Joker’s Nihilist Violence", , 1: 1
Akçali, Elif; Çakirlar, Cüneyt; Güçlü, özlem (2022), "Mustang: Translating willful youth", 1: 1
Çiftçi, Ayça (2022), "The Nude Auteur, Denuding Filmmaking", , 1: 1
Bas, Ozen; Ogan, Christine L.; Varol, Onur (2022), "The Role of Legacy Media and Social Media in Increasing Public Engagement About Violence Against Women in Turkey", , Vol.8, No.4, DOI: 10.1177/20563051221138939
Yanardağoğlu, Eylem (2022), "‘I stopped reading newspapers because of the internet!’: News consumption behaviour of youth in Greece and Turkey", , Vol.13, No.3, 389-406 DOI: 10.1386/jdmp_00038_1
Grabe, Maria Elizabeth; Bas, Ozen (2022), "The Genderization of American Political Parties in Presidential Election Coverage on Network Television (1992–2020)", , Vol.16, 2080-2102
Correia, Antónia; Reis, Helena; Moro, Sérgio; Kozak, Metin (2022), "Meaning of luxury in hospitality: An analysis of multiple destinations", , Vol.52, 392-402 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhtm.2022.07.012
Camilleri, Mark Anthony; Kozak, Metin (2022), "Interactive engagement through travel and tourism social media groups: A social facilitation theory perspective", , Vol.71, DOI: 10.1016/j.techsoc.2022.102098
Su, Lujun; Cheng, Jin; Wen, Jun; Kozak, Metin; Teo, Stephen (2022), "Does seeing deviant other-tourist behavior matter? The moderating role of travel companions", , Vol.88, DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2021.104434
Özen, Asli Emine; Kartarl, Asker; Correia, Antonia; Wen, Jun; Kozak, Metin (2022), "Positive effects of COVID-19 on food preparation and expenditure habits: A comparative study across three countries", , Vol.25, No.11, 3054-3066 DOI: 10.1017/S1368980022001720
Correia, Antónia; Kozak, Metin (2022), "Past, present and future: trends in tourism research", , Vol.25, No.6, 995-1010 DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2021.1918069
Günaydın, Yusuf; Correia, Antónia; Kozak, Metin (2022), "Comparing efficiency in all-inclusive and bed and breakfast hotel businesses: a multi-period data envelopment analysis in Turkey", , Vol.31, No.4, 439-452 DOI: 10.1108/EJMBE-11-2021-0308
Liu, Xinyi; Wen, Jun; Kozak, Metin; Jiang, Yangyang; Li, Zhiyong (2022), "Negotiating interdisciplinary practice under the COVID-19 crisis: opportunities and challenges for tourism research", , Vol.77, No.2, 484-502 DOI: 10.1108/TR-01-2021-0034
Günaydın, Yusuf; Kozak, Metin (2022), "Managing Crisis in the Tourism Industry: How Pessimism Has Changed to Optimism?", , Vol.70, No.2, 317-330 DOI: 10.37741/T.70.2.11
Nunkoo, Robin; Wen, Jun; Kozak, Metin (2022), "Handbook on tourism, public health and wellbeing", 1: 1
Wen, Jun; Kozak, Metin; Jiang, Yangyang (2022), "Beyond sightseeing: How can tourism affect public/global health in modern society?", , Vol.12, DOI: 10.7189/JOGH.12.03035
Aktaş, Gürhan; Kozak, Metin (2022), "Preface", , xxi-xxiii
Wen, Jun; Nunkoo, Robin; Kozak, Metin (2022), "Rethinking the role of tourism in modern society through the lenses of the public and general wellbeing", , 1: 1
Yıldırım, Şeyda Nur (2022), "The performativity of terrorism: subversive experimentalist techniques in Pornography (2007) by Simon Stephens", , Vol.42, No.1, 34-48 DOI: 10.1080/10462937.2021.2001562
2021 Publications
Behlil, Melis (2021), "Kedi between the local and the national", , 1: 1
Yanardağoğlu, Eylem (2021), "Introduction", , 1:
Yanardağoğlu, Eylem (2021), "Nation, Media and Communicative Space", , 1:
Yanardağoğlu, Eylem (2021), "Politics, Media and Citizenship in Modern Turkey", , 1:
Yanardağoğlu, Eylem (2021), "Europeanisation Reforms and Early AKP Era", , 1:
Yanardağoğlu, Eylem (2021), "New Media and Politics of Communicative Citizenship", , 1:
Yanardağoğlu, Eylem (2021), "Restructuring of the Media System and New Media Convergence", , 1:
Yanardağoğlu, Eylem (2021), "Conclusion", , 1:
Kim, Minchul; Hale, Brent J.; Grabe, Maria Elizabeth; Bas, Ozen (2021), "Who is responsible? The impact of emotional personalization on explaining the origins of social problems", , Vol.29, No.4, 202-215 DOI: 10.1080/15456870.2020.1752693
Grabe, Maria Elizabeth; Bas, Ozen (2021), "Reconsidering Informed and Participatory Citizenship in the Current Media Ecosystem", , 1: 1
Yanardağoğlu, Eylem (2021), "‘Just the way my generation reads the news’: News consumption habits of youth in Turkey and the UK", , Vol.17, No.2, 149-166 DOI: 10.1177/1742766520979729
Kartari, Asker; Özen, Asli Emine; Correia, Antonia; Wen, Jun; Kozak, Metin (2021), "Impacts of COVID-19 on changing patterns of household food consumption: An intercultural study of three countries", , Vol.26, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijgfs.2021.100420
Altinay, Levent; Kozak, Metin (2021), "Revisiting destination competitiveness through chaos theory: The butterfly competitiveness model", , Vol.49, 331-340 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhtm.2021.10.004
Kozak, Metin (2021), "CHALLENGES OF TEACHING IN A DIFFERENT CULTURE: AN AUTO-ETHNOGRAPHIC STUDY", , Vol.21, No.4, 331-344 DOI: 10.3727/109830421X16257465701927
Arda, Balca; Akdemir, Ayşegül (2021), "Activist communication design on social media: The case of online solidarity against forced Islamic lifestyle", , Vol.43, No.6, 1078-1094 DOI: 10.1177/0163443720986002
2020 Publications
Hawks, Banu Baybars (2020), "Cyberterrorism: The Borderless Danger", , 1: 1
Karaosmanoǧlu, Defne (2020), "How to study ethnic food: Senses, power, and intercultural studies", , Vol.7, No.1, DOI: 10.1186/s42779-020-00049-1
Karaosmanoğlu, Defne (2020), "From Ayran to Dragon Fruit Smoothie: Populism, Polarization, and Social Engineering in Turkey", , Vol.14, 1253-1274
Uzunoğlu, Sarphan (2020), "The Politics of Media in Turkey: Chronicle of a Stillborn Media System", , 1: 1
Diken, Bülent; Laustsen, Carsten Bagge (2020), "The collector’s world", , Vol.24, No.2, 101-112 DOI: 10.1080/14797585.2020.1773650
CENGİZ, ESİN PAÇA (2020), "Cinema Has Split the Girl's Soul Into Pieces: Scrutinizing Representations of Women in Films From Turkey", , Vol.14, 5482-5498
Yanardağoğlu, Eylem; Turhallı, Neval (2020), "From TRT to Netflix: Implications of Convergence for Television Dramas in Turkey", , 1: 1
Yanardağoğlu, Eylem (2020), "Online News Consumption Habits of University Students in Greece and Turkey", , 1: 1
Bozdağ, Çiğdem (2020), "Bottom-up nationalism and discrimination on social media: An analysis of the citizenship debate about refugees in Turkey", , Vol.23, No.5, 712-730 DOI: 10.1177/1367549419869354
Yanardağoğlu, Eylem; Baş, Dilara Eldaş (2020), "Survival in the new communicative sphere: Is media literacy the remedy?", , 1: 1
OGAN, CHRISTINE L.; BAS, Ozen (2020), "Use of Social Media in the Struggle Surrounding Violence Against Turkish Women", , Vol.14, 5556-5574
Ediger, Volkan; Selen, Eser; Bowlus, John V. (2020), "Perception, petroleum, and power: Mythmaking in oil-scarce Turkey and Jordan", , Vol.66, DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2020.101499
Altınay, Rüstem Ertuğ; Jokić, Olivera (2020), "Archiving popular culture: editors’ introduction", , Vol.41, No.3, 209-214 DOI: 10.1080/23257962.2020.1813560
Altınay, Rüstem Ertuğ; Jokić, Olivera (2020), "Archival Lives of Popular Culture: Our Introduction", , Vol.53, No.6, 1261-1272 DOI: 10.1111/jpcu.12980
Arda, Balca (2020), "Cinematic visual representation of refugee journeys in Turkey in the context of precarious class dynamics", , Vol.17, No.1, 17-26 DOI: 10.33182/ml.v17i1.801
Selen, Eser (2020), "“The Public Immoralist”: Discourses of Queer Subjectification in Contemporary Turkey", , Vol.14, 5518-5536
2019 Publications
Akçalı, Elif (2019), "Accented Essays: Documentary as Artistic Practice in Contemporary Audiovisual Works from Turkey", , Vol.33, No.2, 42-55 DOI: 10.1080/02560046.2019.1671888
Diken, Bülent (2019), "The despotic imperative: From Hiero to the circle", , Vol.15, No.2, 184-201 DOI: 10.1215/17432197-7515042
Akçalı, Elif (2019), "Essayistic tendencies in contemporary Kurdish filmmaking in Turkey", , Vol.71, No.1, 20-34 DOI: 10.5406/jfilmvideo.71.1.0020
Arda, Balca (2019), "Contemporary art on the current refugee crisis: The problematic of aesthetics versus ethics", , Vol.46, No.2, 310-327 DOI: 10.1080/13530194.2019.1569307
2018 Publications
Özçetin, Burak; Baybars-Hawks, Banu (2018), "Framing the Russian aircraft crisis: News discourse in Turkey’s polarized media environment", , Vol.15, No.57, 33-47 DOI: 10.33458/uidergisi.518041
Özçetin, Burak; Baybars-Hawks, Banu (2018), "Framing the Russian aircraft crisis: News discourse in Turkey’s polarized media environment", , Vol.15, No.57, 33-47 DOI: 10.33458/uidergisi.518041
Baybars Hawks, Banu; Akser, Murat (2018), "Digital citizenship from below: Turkish State versus Youtube", , 5592-5600
Baybars Hawks, Banu (2018), "Public opinion in Turkey: Social and political implications of recent trends", , 5676-5684
Hawks, Banu Baybars; Kırgız, Ayça Can (2018), "The effect of geographical indications over tourism marketing: Case of Turkey", , 2071-2077
Diken, Bülent; Bagge Laustsen, Carsten (2018), "Terror as potentiality–the affective rhythms of the political", , Vol.22, No.4, 412-426 DOI: 10.1080/14797585.2019.1631998
Diken, Bülent (2018), "Migration, the sociology of mobility, and critical theory", , 1: 1
Bozdağ, Çiğdem; Odağ, Özen (2018), "Media–Bridge–Cultures: Exploring mediated cultural encounters", , Vol.80, No.7, 597-602 DOI: 10.1177/1748048518802199
Bozdağ, Çiğdem (2018), "Intercultural learning in schools through telecollaboration? A critical case study of eTwinning between Turkey and Germany", , Vol.80, No.7, 677-694 DOI: 10.1177/1748048518802221
Smets, Kevin; Bozdaǧ, Çiǧdem (2018), "Editorial introduction. Representations of immigrants and refugees: News coverage, public opinion and media literacy", , Vol.43, No.3, 293-299 DOI: 10.1515/commun-2018-0011